Royal College of Art - MA Contemporary Art Practice: Performance, 2017 - 2019
China Academy of Art - BA Radio and TV Director: Film, 2012 - 2016
Exhibitions / Workshops
2023Workshop: “In Between Bodies: A Sense of Home, 身身之间——家园之感”, X MUSEUM, Beijing, China.
Workshop: “Performance: care as tenderness and togetherness”, cusp., Hangzhou, China.
Care Manifesto, cusp., Hangzhou, China.
Workshop: Performance with object, cusp., Hangzhou, China.
as usual: rags, plates & Sheets, cusp., Hangzhou, China.
Degree Show, Royal College of Art, London.
A Situation Amongst Situations, Royal College of Art, London.
Images Can Be…, Lumen’s Crypt Gallery, London.
Stage of Life, Asia-Art-Activism, Harrow Arts Center, London.
Disorder Presents Disorders, Studio 9294, London.
Flow, Asia-Art-Activism, Raven Row Gallery, London.
Another Five Minutes of Your Time, Doodle bar/TestBed, London.
Revolve Performance Art Festival, Uppsala, Sweden.
Live pt 2, Royal College of Art, London.
WIP Show, Royal College of Art, London.
Performance(Director), Shanghai Museum of Glass, Shanghai, China.
Degree Show, China Academy of Art, Hangzhou, China.
Action Book--Seeing and Seen, Hangzhou, China.
College Theater Drama Festival, Hangzhou Yiyuan Theatre, Hangzhou, China.
Advanced Animals, China Academy of Art, Hangzhou, China.