Work 2022



Live performance in cusp., Hangzhou, China.
Materials: Nails and a nail clipper.
Duration: Around two hours.
Photos by Xiaoyu Hu, Ruijing Ge, Yabin Xu.
Videos by cusp. team: Ruijing Ge, Xiaoyu Hu, Bowei Yang, Xiner Xu.
Through subtle communication, the artist and the audience will have one-on-one interaction.

Intimacy. Intimate. Practice proximity; selective affinity. Exchange and mutual aid and sharing. Nail clipping, silent communication: touch, breath, hurt: pain control. Violation and correction. Beneath intimacy, between receptivity and spontaneity, between pressure and empowerment; entanglement, a gasp. Void. Naked silence. Leave traces.

试试回想母亲给孩子剪指甲之时,那是以关爱之名展开对他人的清洁和照料,却也会有创口流血的发生。剪指甲,亲密关爱的同时也具有疼痛伤害的可能性,这种无声交流中的赤裸裸的占有欲和支配欲,无论是以何种亲密关系的形式出现,时常是在强者与弱者的共处中体会到的。在施压和赋权之间,在自发性和接受性之间,在控制和放手之间。   这是一对一互动性的行为作品,在平等的基础上向观众传达我对其自主意识的尊重。通过一系列选择性的微妙的亲密交流:仔细且小心地剪指甲、咬指甲、划伤、协商、目光、身体距离、持续的时间、缝隙间的沉默、触摸、共同呼吸的节奏等等,我和观众共同投入于开放且富有感情的互动里去。由观众自主选择在我身体不同位置上进行划痕标记,作品中身体上的疼痛感受,从而是不稳定的、不可预测的、不可知的,甚至有时是被温柔的亲密感包裹着以至毫无踪迹了。其目的并不是试图以皮肤上的痕迹长短深浅作为施暴和痛苦程度的可见参考,而是通过划伤他人这一行为之前的犹豫、控制、共情与反思,让我们有机会去思考和疼痛的自愿接触,去看见一具被约束被侵犯了的身体,去警惕一个人在他人身心上附加的力量和压迫以及在社会中所存在的不公与纠缠。消失了的划痕,但那些无法消逝的难以言表的创伤和暴力。我与观众的肉身作为同时经历此刻的发生及承载过去的经验,试图去寻找、去梳理、去反思痛苦的复杂流动过程,以及审视亲密关系神话中的权力关系。

Workshop: “Performance with daily objects” 
cusp., Hangzhou, China.
Duration: Around four hours.
Photos by Ruijing Ge, Tianqi Liu.

I invited everyone to bring one or two daily objects, and we gathered and exchanged them to reinterpret and perform with the selected objects. At the same time, the workshop also included the introduction of performance art, performance artists and the use of materials in their works, etc. Through on-site interaction, discussion and feedback on the works, we expanded the semantic domain of daily objects, or out of personal experience, or their functional use or abuse, or listen to the language of the objects themselves, or poetic transformation, etc. We would explore the relationship between daily objects and the body, observe and feel the different perspectives and existence of the body and objects, and breathe the present existence.

Relay Race in the workshop: We chose to make morphological changes to a blue plastic bag in the form of one by one relay race.